Part I About Us
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) is a registered society under society registration act 1860 and an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.
The Headquarters of KVS is: Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (H.Q.),18 Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110602
Phone No.011-26858570(EPABX), Fax-011-26514179, e-mail, Website:
The KVS administers its various schemes through 18 Regional Offices spread across the country; and 981 Kendriya Vidyalayas including 03 abroad. Each Kendriya Vidyalaya functions in accordance with policies framed by the KVS under the overall supervision of its Vidyalaya Management Committee which is headed by a senior officer from Defence / Civil Services/ sponsoring agency or an educationist. All the Kendriya Vidyalayas are affiliated to with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi.
Policies for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan are framed by its Board of Governors headed by the Hon’ble Minister, Ministry for Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the organisation.
Stakeholders Students, employees, parents & sponsoring agencies
KVS envisions itself a world class organization in school education committed to continually empowering teachers to actualize inside out synergy in students and enable them to fulfill futuristic societal, national and global needs and aspirations.
Our Mission
KVS has a four fold mission viz:-
1. To cater to the educational needs of children of transferable Central Government employees including defence and para military personnel by providing a common programme of education.
2. To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education.
3. To initiate and promote experimentations and innovations in education in collaboration with other bodies like CBSE, NCERT, etc.
4. To develop the spirit of national integration and create a sense of “Indianness” among children.
1. Services Provided
KVS is providing following services to its stake holders:
1. Admissions In accordance with the admission guidelines, incorporating reservation for disadvantaged groups as per government policy.
2. Curriculum Transaction: Curriculum designed by NCERT/CBSE /KVS is transacted in a regulated and monitored manner to empower students.
3. In-Service Training Programme: Structured in-service training programmes are conducted to empower teachers. Teachers from outside the organization can also take part on payment.
4. Innovation and Research in pedagogy: KVS with its large pool of qualified and competent teachers promotes various innovation and research work in curricular transaction which can be shared with others for the larger good of the society.
5. Promotion of National Integration, Cultural and Social Integration, Spirit of Inquiry and Indianness: KVS with its multifarious activities viz. National and Regional sports meets, Youth Parliament, JLN Science Exhibition, Social Science Exhibition etc promotes “ National Integration and Indianness” amongst citizens.
The study of a student is not hampered due to exigencies of relocation / transfer of his parent, incidental to his/her service by automatic admission of the student in the new location, subject to admission guidelines.
3. Hostel Facilities
KVS provides hostels in a few locations depending on the need and demand from stakeholders.
4. Fee Structure for KVS
The monthly fee charged from students has two main components viz. Tuition fee and Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi (VVN).
For holistic development of the children, KVS amalgamates academic activities with the activities in the areas of Health and Physical Education, Visual and Performing Arts, Work Experience etc.
To inculcate scientific temper in students, promote social values, and encourage experimentation and innovation, KVS organizes every year science exhibition, social science exhibition, innovation and experimentation award competition for teachers as per calendar of activities.
Activities outlined in the calendar of activities are implemented with reasonable flexibility due to local exigencies.
Students are promoted to the next class based on promotion rules in vogue. KVS is guided by the recommendation of NCERT and CBSE in this regard.
Transfer certificate is issued on the request of parent in prescribed withdrawal form stating clearly details of the child and reason for taking T.C. T.C is issued within 3-7 working days after submission of withdrawal form. Delay beyond 07 days can be brought to the notice of the Assistant Commissioner of the region.
10. Teacher Training
KVS has its own Zonal Institutes of Education & Training which organise In-service Training Programmes regularly to enrich and upgrade the teaching skills of teachers. Capacity building programmes are organised to upgrade the skills of other support staff also. Induction Courses are also organised by KVS for newly recruited teachers.
11. Parents-Teachers Association
In order to promote trust and co-operation between parents and teachers for overall betterment of the students, every Kendriya Vidyalaya has a Parents-Teacher Association (P.T.A). Its meetings are held regularly to apprise parents know about the performances and also put forth their suggestions/concerns before school authorities.
A Grievance Redressal Mechanism has been set up in the KVS, which consists of a Grievance Cell at each Regional Office and the Headquarters of the KVS. Grievances submitted are settled under the supervision of the Regional Grievance Officer in the concerned Regional Office and/or the Central Grievance Officer in KVS(Hqrs).
Time between 1600 hrs to 1700 hrs has been fixed on all working days for attending people for redressal of grievances without prior appointment at Regional Offices as well as at the KVS(Hrs). A grievance will be acknowledged immediately, at the most within three days of the receipt of grievance. Efforts shall be made to redress the grievance within a period of 2 months. If disposal of a grievance petition is anticipated to take longer than two months, an interim reply would invariably be sent.
Deputy Commissioner (Personnel) [011-26858565] is the Central Grievance Officer. Phone numbers and addresses of Regional Grievance Officers are available elsewhere in site.
Grievances at the school level are dealt with by the concerned Principal.
13. Meeting hours
On all working days Officers available in the KVS(HQ) office and KV Regional Offices meet general public / staff for the redressal of their grievances and on issues of mutual interest from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Principals/ Principal Incharge – one hour on working days from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon.
Teachers – With prior appointment on any working day.
14. Access to information:
KVS is a public authority under the Right to Information Act 2005. List of PIO and first Appellate Authority for each of its regional offices and the headquarters is available on KVS website.
KVS has identified some expectations:
A. From students
They are expected to internalize discipline and ethos of KVS and eschew all acts of indiscipline.
B. From parents
Parents are expected to be proactive in relation to school activities in general and his/her ward in particular. They are expected to attend “Parent Teacher Meetings” whenever convened, put forth their suggestions /concerns fearlessly, and should consciously find time to check home work/class work by giving adequate attention. Facilities required at home should also be made available.
C. From Sponsoring Agencies
To provide suitable land and infrastructure for Vidyalaya.
To supervise day to day activities of the Vidyalaya through Vidyalaya Management Committee.
D. Expectation from teachers and other staff members
Teachers and other staff members are expected to be role models in their assigned task. Teachers are also expected to follow code of conduct prescribed under article 59 of the Education Code for Kendriya Vidyalayas.
To complete activities such as admission, coverage of syllabi; conduct of examination, sports meet, social science exhibition, science exhibition- in the nut shell the entire gamut of activities as per calendar of activities with special emphasis on quality in respect of all. With regard to board examinations we strive to achieve zero failure with special emphasis on quality dimension.