- Periodic Test & II Pre Board Exams scheduled after reopening.
- 10 days Winter Coaching camp commences for class X, XI & XII remedial students from 24.12.2017 to 02.01.2018
- Christmas was celebrated in the school on 23.12.2017
- Srinivasa Ramanujan's Birthday was celebrated on 22.12.2017 in the morning assembly.
- Annual Sports Day to be held on 21.12.2017
- PTA meeting for class XII & X on 18, 19, 20.12.2017
- Excursion for class VI to VIII - VGP Snow Kingdom Scheduled on 16.12.2017
- KVS Foundation Day celebrated on 15.12.2017 in school campus
- PTA meeting for post half yearly examinations from class VI to XII based on schedule.
Classes VI to VIII on 26.10.2017 from 02:00 pm to 03:00 pm in their respective classrooms.
Classes IX & XI on 27.10.2017 from 02:00 pm to 03:00 pm in their respective classrooms.
Classes X to XII on 28.10.2017 from 02:00 pm to 03:00 pm in their respective classrooms.
- Conduct of PCRA competitions under the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt of India.
- Students took pledge on reducing the pollution during diwali celebrations.